Suburban White People Decoded
"Bad" neighborhood: Any neighborhood where the population is not predominantly WHITE
"Wrong" neighborhood: see bad neighborhood
"Sketchy" neighborhood: see bad neighborhood
"I would live in the city, but the public schools are so terrible and we can't afford private schooling": The public school system is not predominantly white and the city is not predominantly white. My beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired daughter might meet a black man and have children with him. What would my friends think?
"You are the only white person who lives in your neighborhood.": There are more than two black people in your ward and living in an area that is not predominantly white is something to be ashamed of because I would be ashamed. What would my friends think?
"Wrong" neighborhood: see bad neighborhood
"Sketchy" neighborhood: see bad neighborhood
"I would live in the city, but the public schools are so terrible and we can't afford private schooling": The public school system is not predominantly white and the city is not predominantly white. My beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired daughter might meet a black man and have children with him. What would my friends think?
"You are the only white person who lives in your neighborhood.": There are more than two black people in your ward and living in an area that is not predominantly white is something to be ashamed of because I would be ashamed. What would my friends think?
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